Tuesday, December 18, 2012

ahhh week two progress...

So I just spent 4/7 days of my week 2 at the ranch. The ranch is the most difficult place in my opinion to stay on a diet. Breakfast- eggs, bacon, pancakes, handmade donuts... DAILY! Beer is the source of hydration. Chips are constantly out for snacks because you are moving ALL DAY and get HUNGRY ALL DAY!

I would give myself a B+ on food and shakes but a D on alcohol intake. I refused all beer!! I refused all wine!! I even refused whiskey! I only drank vodka with real cranberry juice (most people find it too tart but I loveeeeeeeee me some cranberry juice!) real grapefruit juice or real pine apple juice. I like to drink and be silly at the ranch so that was my special drinking occasion!! This is not acceptable for me for normal weekends! No more in this new awesome lifestyle!

I am pretty sure I will have a weight loss this week... I am now not weighing myself except Wednesday Mornings. I am thinking I will have lost 1-2 pounds since I wasnt as gung-ho as last week but I still feel awesome and am soooooooooooooo thankful I am now back to real life so that I can give it %100 again! Last week was 2.8lbs and that is an awesome huge weightloss! Doctors recommend 1-2lbs weekly for permanent weight loss.

I am still super in love with herbalife and I can now really really feel my body changing- my pants fit better, my love handles are less squishy and sometimes I catch myself feeling up myself!! hahaha my butt and thighs feel amazing :)))

I have placed a few more orders and hopefully I can get them to share their journeys too eventually- this really is an amazing product and an amazing chance to take control over our bodies again.

Stay tuned tomorrow for my weekly weigh in and picture!

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