Thursday, December 13, 2012

Lets get skinny together!!

So everyone that has read my blog has told me that I am so "brave." hahaha this cracks me up!! I was working out with Shantel last night and we both know what brave means- youre sooo brave for posting that fat picture of you!! hahahaa!! I take no offense to it at all. I knew I would be judged. Im judging myself!! Putting myself on blast for this is making all the difference in the world. I dont want to let myself down, my family down since they are doing this with me and my followers down because I want everyone to see WE CAN DO THIS! We can be superrrrrrrrrrrrrr hot again. This is so doable.

I keep reminding myself I have finished 1 week.
In 4 weeks I will look good. 3 more weeks doesnt sound bad. 3 is a small number.
In 8 weeks I will look GREAT. 7 more weeks doesnt sound bad. 7 is a small number.

Whenever anyone comes to me for advice I tell them to break your problems down as small as possible and deal with them one by one. It is the easiest way to unstress yourself and rationalize your problems and solve them permantetly. I give great advice. I never take my own advice. Until now.

I am on this crazy high from herbalife and the empowerment it is giving me over my body and my cravings and my destructive habits. I feel awesome going with Andrew to watch football and saying "no thanks" when offered a beer. I dont even want it anymore. I am getting high off being happy, not desperate for a drunk happy. You have to want this. Only then will you truely succeed.

I havent cheated!! I have started a mantra at night when I am having bad cravings watching Andrew eat dinner, then an hour later he will heat up fried egg rolls, pot stickers and chicken strips from our freezer. I say to myself "Imagine tomorrow morning just thinking 'ooo man! i really regret not eating all those extra calories!!'" PUH LEASE!! I literally giggle to myself when I say this. I have gotten so gay for herbalife and fitness and my body.

"you can sit on the ass you have and get the ass you want!!"

I am going to the ranch in a few hours til Monday. The ranch is beer, beer, food, beer, food and guns. I will not drink beer. I am not worried about this because I am not tempted. I am ready for those little 7 weeks to pass so I can show off this blog to EVERYONE! and be proud of who I have become. I am also a loyal chivette ( and I want desperately to close the DAR one day. I will send them my before picture and a sexy after picture and I will make the DAR. Good goal right?

Keep making good food choices!! I know I will! I think this whole process was necessary for me. I have never appreciated food. I ate food for comfort and enjoyment. I have never ate food as fuel. This whole journey is making me work for something I really really want and achieveing it will just make me that much more proud of myself! only 7 more short weeks ;))))


  1. I think you need to do the shopping from now on or at least make Andrew support you by buying healthier foods to snack on!!! No fried foods!!

  2. hahaha me too! but andrew keeps saying he will star on "monday" hahaha honestly though- WHATEVER! i dont need him to keep me on track- im getting there completely on my own :))
