Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Hi my name is Stephanie Jo Mackey and I love food. I love breakfast, lunch and dinner. I plan the next meal before I eat it. I eat normal sized meals unless I am alone. I like to overeat but ONLY when Andrew is not home. Nope, he does not know this yet. It is my dirty shameful secret. I am sharing it with you because I seriously doubt that I am the only one. I LOVE HERBALIFE!! It is the biggest RELIEF to only plan one meal a day. I get to plan lunch all day and just really really enjoy it!! I do not have to feel guilty about it, I just plan one meal I really like and I eat it. All of it. Done. This system is easy peezy.

I have an insane energy on this stuff. The morning detox tea is amazing. I am sooo over coffee. I would have to drink about 16oz to get the buzz I was looking for. This tea gives me all day energy and "cleans me out." I am overly in love with herbalife already. I am happy constantly and I am confident again. Did I achieve my dream body in week 1? NOPE! But I am one week closer and that is amazing. I look at the pictures from one weeks progress and I do not see a big change. But I know its there. Andrew says he sees a change though. I am one week closer to having an amazing body, and I will get there. YOU CAN TOO!

Next week I will smile!!  We were rushed to take these pictures today!

I have lost 2.8lbs in one week. I have been doing about 40min of exercise a day (workout dvds- jillian michael, jackie warner, zumba and p90x, and running/walking with the dogs) It is amazing how much free time you have when you skip that beer/wine after work to wind down. Perfect substitution for a yummy workout!! I have a weekly workout date with Shantel and it helps me stay on track. We did Zumba last night and tonight we are having an EXTRA workout date this week for some TurboJam

feel free to email me with any questions! I will be posting my weekly pics and weight but I will also post randomly inspirational things. I have been a dang waterfall of inspiration lately. HAHA I usually only get this sappy when I drink, now I get super sappy when I feel HEALTHY!! check in tomorrow for some sappy inspiration ;)

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