So I'm starting part 2 of my weightloss journey. I lost almost all my weight so now I'm really focusing on toning. My old goal was to be on the chive with my weightloss but my goal was lame lol I have a new goal. I am going to compete in 1 natural bikini contest just to prove to myself that I did this. I accomplished my goal.
Why am I sharing these pictures and my journey? I am sharing this because I want other people to know, yes it's hard but you can do this!! I love having my new healthy body and I did it with herbalife. It helped me change my lifestyle and get back down to my healthy weight. I want to share that with others. I look at pictures on Facebook lol I know I'm not the only chick in the world that got comfortable in her relationship and got fat. I messed up and I needed a swift kick to get my butt in gear. Public humiliation works wonders for me because my self motivation is perdyyyy low lol
So here I am now, starting a new hard weightloss journey so join me! Start yours, feel great and reclaim your energy and your super cute too small now wardrobe lol